Light is the New Dark

Winter 2017 is the year of the trees!

Prepared to be shocked

Imagine my concern and worry as these pictures are forwarded to me, week after week.

You are about to witness the transformation from total devastation, back to our fabulous Chateau estate. Neil and Vicki have worked and continue to work tirelessly to bring light back to Chateau La Perriere's private estate. I have had moments of total panic, restless nights, to moments of relief when I receive the update pictures.

Over the last twenty years the estate was in need of some serious tree surgery. So finally, we sourced some great tree surgeons who worked hard to fell 40 trees in 8 days. After supping 224 cups of tea and numerous toilet trips, here is our progress.

Our aim

More Sun.......... we've chatted about it for years, now you can leave the cardigan in the wardrobe and head to the terrace to soak up the last of the late afternoon sun, with a glass of wine in one hand and a book in the other. Chasing the sun until your back is hard pressed against the Chateau wall is now a thing of the past.

Before and after - the blue shaded area indicates the trees felled.............

Less Conkers.......... yippee, throw away the hard hats which were once used when the horse chestnuts dropped their conkers in early Autumn. Now the driveway is open and light with compact manageable trees.

More Light.......... witness the new shoots of spring flowers returning to the central copse where it was once dark and dank.

Our Challenge

The main estate now looks stunning, whilst devastation still lingers around the corner. We have short amount of time to gain control before our rental season begins in earnest. Luckily we have a hungry Loire Valley community who are thirsty for wood! A huge thank you to the locals who have taken lorry loads of wood, please do come back for more..........

#Trees #estate #flowers #driveway #EscapetotheChateauDIY #EscapetotheChateau