Escape to the Chateau D I Y
A Good Year
Starring Paul, Karen, Thomas & Katie Horne
Who doesn't like A Good Year, it depicts our dreams and aspirations for Chateau La Perriere. We bought the Chateau in 2005 and over the last 13 years we have renovated the exterior and interior. Like many other beautiful old buildings there will always be work to do and money to be spent, but for us it is an affair of the heart. Whenever, we do the maths, it is a heart decision and not the head. Running a Chateau is hard work, but the joys and memories are there forever.
Being apart of Escape to the Chateau DIY has been an experience of a life time!
A memory our children will cherish forever.
Escape to the Chateau
A bit about Dick & Angel
Dick Strawbridge and Angel Adoree bought a 19th Century Chateau in the Pays de la Loire and started a new life in France with their two children. Channel 4 are following their renovations of their 45 room Chateau, with many trials and tribulations along the way.
Dick is renowned for his engineering and quick thinking skills. The striking Angel is adapt at craft and has an eye for brocante finds.
Now, on their 4th Series, they have expanded their brand to include Escape to the Chateau DIY. Following many other Brits throughout France, Dick & Angel lend a hand to solve issues along the way.